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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands Review

The story takes place between Sands Of Time and Warrior Within. The Prince is mature and a lot younger than Warrior Within version. Malik, the prince's brother, is invaded and unlocks the army of Solomon (a legendary ruler), the seal medallion is divided into two halfs, Malik and the prince must reunite the medallion in order to stop this army of sand soldiers ruled by jdin Ratash, which wanted to destroy Solomon and this kingdom in the past. A jdin named Razia that protects the waters in this kingdom offers her help - gives you advices and special powers. Razia looks a lot like the girl in Sands of Time. Malik hungers for power, killing sand soldiers, killing Ratash and becoming more stronger, thus refusing to stop the evil army. Ratash takes over Malik's body and mind and becomes a big beast again, which can be killed only by Solomon's sword powered by Razia. Ratash looks a lot like the optimistic version of the Dahaka monster. It appears that finally killing Ratash and thus ending the game, the prince is left alone again - no girlfriend, no enemy, no brother.

Old school elements: wall-running, wall walking, poll jumping, ledge jumping, sliding, traps, door timers and mechanism, basic sword hack and slash, and time reversing power to get out of trouble.
New elements: water freeze power for creating walls and polls out of water, environment recall power used especially in the old underground temple for recalling back structure elements with ledges, walls, polls but you can only recall back one structure at the time so you may use the special power in mid air, the same with water timing; jumping on enemies from afar power, while in mid air you can jump from bird to bird or directly on the enemy, thus jumping bigger distances; special fighting enemies powers to backup the faulty sword system of one mouse button - freeze blast, fire trail, stone armor, and ground blast for surrounding knock back enemies.

The word for this game is CHALLENGE because of this, it gets very addictive. The challenge is in avoiding traps, falls, and enemy attacks as you proceed through the environment. Sometimes you must combine the wall walking/running and poll jumping, with structure recall and freeze water, just to go through a level, and you know there are no other ways. The more you progress the levels, the more difficult they become, as you have to time almost everything, even with the puzzle mechanism that uses water, the answer you may find by freezing it. There are some boss fights, many more sand soldiers fights, and the final boss fight with Ratash which is kind of hard to avoid getting hit.
And my experience with 3D Vision was as it says - excellent. The game looks awesome like all the POP pc 3d games, powered by HAVOK graphic engine, but it is not without bugs for the environment. Not once at a specific location i fell through the disappeared environment, and when I manage to avoid falling I found a door that should be open instead of closed - this bug I solved by restarting from checkpoint - but imagine the whole power of the prince stopped by one little closed door.


Graphics - 10 (Nvidia 3D Vision - excellent)

Gameplay - 10

Feeling - 9

Story - 9

Size - 1 dvd-dl - 6gb


Status: buy it, it's worth it, play it, have insane fun, defeat the sands and add this valuable game to the Prince of Persia Collection. Oh, did i mention you can play as Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2? but you must have the code to unlock him first. I can't wait for the next Prince Of Persia game - The Sands Return or The Sands Strike Back - hihi.

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