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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mass Effect 2 review - PART 2

I admit it, I couldn't wait anymore for another add-on to play, I wanted to know how it ends before the end of 2010. This game has been waiting long enough. So as I went to find the IFF Reaper and make my way through the final missions. The Normandy got attacked just exactly when no recruited squad was not on the ship, and this is no excuse for the producers, they took the crew, they left Joker in charge. It doesn't make any sense for me. So I got to take Legion, a talking geth, made his loyalty mission after the attack as quick as I can, and then jump into the OMEGA 4 Relay. I got to the other side, my ship hold in one piece, nobody died, then landed like it crashed (another thing here, how did they manage to repair it so quickly with almost no crew or whatever). Then make the plan to destroy Collectors Base. I chose Jacob as my leading man through the vents, because he volunteered, and so he got toasted. After some online search I should have sent Tali or Legion and it would have survived. Then as my other squad leaders, first Miranda, then Garrus. I sent Mordin with half of crew that survived to Normandy and they survived. Samara with her field protected us from those small flying things (Jack was good at that too). On the final confrontation I took with me Miranda and Garrus and they survived. Jacob and half of crew, in which Kelly, and Gaby from the engine room, died in my ME2. All the others survived. Oh yes, and romantic involvement with Miranda in the engine room, very cool. I think I will regret that in ME3. On the last note I blew off the Illusive Man, because I just can't stand him ;)) (He is like the Smoker from X Files).


Graphics - 10 (excellent with Nvidia 3D Vision)

Gameplay - 10

Feeling - 10

Size - 2 DVD-DL + 1 DVD-DL with add-ons


Status: very worthy, buy it, try it, play it, collect it and wait for Mass Effect 3.

Mass Effect 3 TRAILER

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