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Monday, November 15, 2010

Limited Gamer Rules

The purpose of the this blog is to inform any gamer that has a real life, besides computer.

Blog rules

1.- reviews for 3d PC games only. (because PC's are more practical then Xbox or PS out there)
2.- it may contain game spoilers. (oh common, is not like you weren't going to find out anyway)
3.- cheating is permitted (I do not encourage it, but it saves a lot of time and is a lot more fun)
4.- rating system based on personal experience (I definitely try to look from an objective point of view )
5.- all the games reviewed are bought (Support the game developers - buy the games, try them, and resell them if you don't like them).

All parties and materials mentioned are given credit.
Every game is treated with the same respect that it offers players. 
This blog does not try to promote a game for commercial purposes, only in the interest of the limited gamers.
This blog does not try to undermine the passion for a specific kind of games or insult the intelligence of any limited gamer (if you feel insulted, maybe this site is not for you, or maybe just a specific post)

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